
      为了便于您掌握怎样从Visio模板转化到VisualNet图库中,我们推荐以下部分Visio图库模板元素,供您 根据需要组合。譬如,您可以在Visio软件中把各种基本的元素,

如“螺丝”、“机框”、“板卡”等进行拆分、再重组,组合成新元素模板重新使用 。(声明:本栏中全部Visio模板图库的版权归原作者所有)

VSDfx 模板


VSDfx-Apple-3D 3D Isometric Topology shapes for Apple products 607KB
VSDfx-Brocade-3D 3D Isometric Topology shapes for Brocade SAN Switches 1,033KB
VSDfx-Cisco-3D 3D Isometric Topology shapes for Cisco SAN Switches 216KB 3D Isometric Topology shapes for Generic Desktops, Servers, People, Places 4,206KB
VSDfx-Network-Symbols 3D Isometric "Cisco style" Network Symbols in green, blue and grey 2,894KB
VSDfx-Brocade Physical views of Brocade SAN Switches, and a set for CNT HPS switches 4,781KB
VSDfx-Cisco Physical views of Cisco products including SAN switches, SFS switches 5,555KB
VSDfx-Generic Physical views of generic items like Racks and I/O cards 839KB
VSDfx-Myricom Physical views of Myricom Myrinet HPS Switches 596KB
VSDfx-Qlogic Physical views of Qlogic HPS, and SAN Switches 2,725KB
VSDfx-Various a couple DDN storage products, and some Quadrics HPS switches 1,041KB
